It’s Time To DISRUPT The Word Search
Puzzles & Coloring Niches With…

The ONLY Cloud App That Creates Word
Search Puzzle Coloring Books for
Your Amazon KDP business…

So you can benefit from these wildly popular niches by creating
books at scale using our point and click easy interface!

Click Below To Play The Video

CLICK the Buy Button Below!

Regular Price $197…You SAVE $100!

Wordsearch puzzle books are wildly
popular and some smart indie
publishers are crushing it…

on Amazon KDP right now in this very niche!

In fact, some of our most popular software apps that we have released over the last few years happen to be word search puzzle apps.

For example we released the Instant Puzzle Generator app in 2020, which till date has sold more than 7,500 units.

The popularity of the app and our tribe’s demand led us to creating more apps in this series and we followed the first one up with extremely popular apps like…

While wordsearch puzzles are popular on as far as KDP is concerned, so are Bold and Easy coloring books.

Bold & Easy coloring books have
increased in popularity in the
recent years on KDP…

and word search puzzles niche has been a rockstar for years now!

If you have been operating in the Amazon KDP low to medium content niches, then chances are you already know about the massive popularity of the Bold and Easy coloring books.

While coloring books in general are very popular and sell well throughout the years, bold and easy books have been the crown jewel of the coloring books niches for some time now.

And personally having benefited from this niche, I can tell you one of the reasons is the simplicity of the coloring involved which makes it so popular.

It has therapeutic reasons and people just love the fact that they don’t have to think a lot and can color with a relaxed mind.

You may or may not know this, but I have a creative team and we are heavily invested in the coloring book niche on Amazon KDP.

As any indie publisher I am always on the lookout for ways to enhance my offering that allow my books to standout in the market.

My success in the wordsearch puzzles and bold and easy coloring book niches led me to think…

“If there was a way of combining both of these niches to create a sub-niche.”

The question I asked myself was…

Is there a way to combine the popularity of
the word search niche with that of the
bold & easy coloring niche?

I wanted to see if there was a precedence to what I was thinking of.

Essentially I was looking for proof of concept that would give me the confidence that creating such books would actually give me an opportunity to get some decent sales.

A little bit of research and my jaw dropped to the floor when I saw that there indeed was demand for such books that combined the two niches.

But then, the niche is not even scratched at the surface because of the obvious reason that the books are not easy to create.

I discussed this with the team and we were super excited about the opportunity and wanted to make sure we bring this to our most loyal customers.

What are coloring word search
puzzles and how are
they solved?

A coloring word search puzzle is a puzzle that combines the bold and easy coloring and word search puzzle niches.

This combination results in a special style of word search puzzles where the clues are not circled inside of the puzzle, rather the answers are colored inside of the letters to form a given word.

This demands specially crafted fonts, so they can be easily colored in.

Take a look at the coloring word search
puzzle books that are selling like hot
cakes on Amazon KDP right now…

The niche has been validated. Some brilliant indie publisher has gone ahead and tested it out and has been milking the niche for quite a while.

Take a look at the coloring word search puzzle books created and published by this indie publisher that are doing reasonably well on Amazon KDP.

He has these four books with about 100 ratings! On a conservative note that would translate to about 5,000+ units sold

And look at those amazing ratings from satisfied customers.

What does that tell you?

There’s a demand and people love the style of these coloring word search puzzles.





Creating and selling coloring word
search puzzle books on Amazon

Step #1 Create puzzles using appropriate font

Creating coloring word search puzzles is super simple as an idea. Use a design editor of your choice and create a puzzle using a font that is thick with a clear outline and enough white space in the middle to color in. That’s it, your puzzle is ready to go into the page of your puzzle book.

Step #2 Repeat the process to create the book

Now that you have a puzzle ready, repeat the same process 100 times and you would have 100 puzzles ready. Put them all together to create a 100 page coloring word search puzzle book.

Step #3 Upload to KDP and let them cut a royalty check

This is the fun part! You have done all the hard work. Now upload your manuscript to KDP along with a cover and you are ready to make sales. Every time someone buys your book Amazon prints, ships and supports the buyer and you collect a royalty check.

It’s simple…but

Problem #1: You need the right font

That’s right! The starting point is finding the right font that is compatible with the style of coloring word search puzzle books you are trying to create. You could outsource creating a custom font for hundreds of dollars from a quality foundry or you could risk your KDP account by using a font available from some other sources that wasn’t really clear about the licensing.

Problem #2: You need design app proficiency

In order to create high quality coloring word search puzzle books quickly you must be proficient with design apps and software like Powerpoint, Illustrator, Powerpoint, Canva, Affinity Publisher and others. We are talking of pro-level expertise to get any sort of a tangible result.

Problem #3: Even then it takes weeks…

To create a single word search puzzle book!

Organizing the words within the puzzle and filling in the filler boxes with random letters is not a quick job. Will let you do the math on the time you would need to put all of it together to compile a book.

Problem #4: Creating solutions is a nightmare

When creating coloring wordsearch puzzle books like these, solutions are an important part. It can be an absolute nightmare to create the solutions and ensure they are linked properly to the puzzles.

There goes another week of your precious time.

Problem #5: Margin for error is non-existent

One of the biggest problems with puzzle books is that the margin for error is almost ZERO. If you make a manual error in the solutions or even linking the solutions with the puzzles your customers will lose trust and move elsewhere.

Problem #6: It’s an expensive process when done manually

If you do not want to spend your time, but want to create quality books then you need to hire people on payroll or outsource your content creation and review work. None of these two options come cheap. I know because I have tried them!

Problem #7: Project management & quality control is a pain

Managing projects like these even if you outsource or have a team is painful. You always have that nagging fear of someone in your team having made a mistake that would cost you your reputation. Not to mention late deliveries and all those other issues that come bundled with outsourcing.

Problem #8: Scaling is impossible

If you are an indie publisher then scaling your KDP business is next to impossible if you go about it in the conventional manner. It needs way more resources to move the needle. It needs a team setup with systems and processes.

You won’t find many publishers creating
coloring word search puzzle books
on Amazon KDP!

The entire process of creating coloring word search puzzles manually is so intense and time consuming that it makes it next to impossible for indie publishers to successfully create and sell such workbooks on Amazon KDP

The problems I mentioned earlier are true for all indie publishers.

They are real problems for you too, if you aspire to get into this niche and profit from it.


You have three options really when it comes to creating coloring word search puzzle books for KDP at scale!


Create coloring word search puzzle books yourself

By now you know what it takes to create coloring word search puzzles. It’s a lot of work even for experienced creators using the high end design applications like Photoshop, illustrator and affinity. Creating just one such puzzle is going to take hours. The problem when you do all the work yourself is it would make your business unsustainable! It just won’t scale. I am assuming here that you have the necessary design skills in the first place to be able to do it on your own.


Outsource the work

That’s a definite possibility! But it’s expensive and you will be living under the constant fear of a mistake that you are not aware of that’ll ruin your brand’s reputation. Given the complexity and attention to detail required for such puzzles, chances of the person you outsource to committing a mistake is too high. And then the chance of you not noticing it is exponentially higher. Not only that, the job is not going to get a quicker turnaround time because you outsourced it. It’s going to be a pretty inconvenient setup if you had to create premium coloring word search puzzles.


Hire your inhouse team

Hiring the right people, training them, having systems in place to review and approve the content is going to solve the problem for you. But that comes at a cost of money and time. And that cost isn’t inexpensive nor is the process very reliable as long as manual intervention is involved.

You know none of those
options are viable for
your business…

I know because we are small indie publishers too and we have gone through or are currently going through the exact same problems that you go through in your business.

That’s the reason why we wanted to create a solution that would help you overcome the obstacles, and that’s precisely why…

We wanted to create the BEST possible
solution that would help you get
into this UNTAPPED niche!

If you know me and Bings then you know when we put something in front of you, we make sure we go the extra mile for you.

We wanted the app to be not just about a tool that will help you create some word search puzzle books easily.

We wanted it to be a lot more than that…

For us it’s about empowering you to create activity pages in a way that has a profound positive impact on your publishing business.

We spent a lot of engineering effort developing the platform so that you get a seamless experience when creating coloring word search puzzle books for your business.

I am proud to say that once you get your hands on it you will find it extremely difficult to NOT use it on a regular basis.


Coloring Word Search
Puzzles Generator

Coloring Word Search Puzzles Generator is an easy to use cloud based app that helps you create exquisite coloring word search puzzle books that you can sell for years to come and profit from!

There’s nothing to download, nothing to install…

It’s conveniently based on the cloud!

All you have to do is login from any computer connected to the internet and follow the easy to follow instructions to get started with your coloring word search puzzle books in minutes…not weeks or months.

And then again do that at scale while ensuring all your solutions are correct and neatly organized right within your book.

When you use the Coloring Word Search Puzzles Generator app to create premium puzzle books, your end product will look as if it has been created by an established education resources publishing house and not an individual POD book publisher.

It’s like having your own inhouse team that cranks out high quality coloring word search puzzle books for you at scale and with the precision of a proper production system.

All it takes is 3 Simple Steps to create high
end coloring word search puzzle
books with CWSPG...

Step #1 Select


Step #1 Login & insert the default puzzle

Login to your cloud based account from anywhere in the world to get started. That’s right! You don’t have to be tied up to your workstation to be able to create high quality coloring word search puzzle books. Once you are in, click on any one of the three modules to insert the default puzzle to the canvas. You’re all set for customization.

Step #2 Click


Step #2 Customize the puzzle

This is where you update your puzzles by choosing the words you want to be included in the word search puzzle. It’s super simple, just copy and paste or type your words into the intuitive dashboard. Once you are done, repeat the process multiple times to create a complete coloring word search puzzles book.

Step #3 Download


Step #3 Download your book

Congratulations! Your awesome coloring word search puzzles book is ready to download at the click of a button. You can download individual puzzles or complete books in minutes. And hey, you have the options to download the manuscripts in PNG, JPG and PDF formats.

What makes coloring word search
puzzles generator so very
different and special?

Simply put there is nothing like this out there in the market that we know of which gives you so many options when it comes to creating high quality coloring word search puzzles.

Not only that it gives you complete freedom to use those puzzles commercially in your KDP business.

And all that with the ability to scale!

Coloring Word Search Puzzles Generator was created to solve one problem for a very specific audience.

It is designed to help you grow your Amazon KDP business by creating top quality coloring word search puzzle books that are highly engaging.

We spent hundreds of dollars working
with a very high end foundry to
create the font for you…

That’s right, the beauty of this app lies in the fact that you not only get the software automation but you actually get the peace of mind knowing you are using a font that has been custom created to my personal specifications by our foundry partner.

We have spent our money and time on getting the font done, reviewed and programmed into the app so you don’t have to deal with any of those hassles.

We had to shell out a few thousand dollars more to get exclusive license and ownership to the font so that we could ensure when we pass on the commercial use rights to you, there’s no scope of any speculation regarding licenses whatsoever.

Check out some coloring word
search puzzles crafted with
the CWSPG app…

Here are the drool-worthy features you've always wanted in your dream coloring
word search puzzles app!

1-CLICK coloring word search puzzles generation

Simply login to the app and click on the icon to generate the coloring word search puzzle. That’s how simple it is. I know how difficult it is to believe but there is truly nothing more to it than that to get started.

Trim size selector

If the trim size is allowed on Amazon KDP you can select it inside of CWSPG. We’ve got you covered

Automated page numbering styles

Choose to have pages with or without page numbers. If you do prefer having page numbers, then choose from the four different designs provided and insert them automatically.

1-CLICK solution generator

This is the most difficult part of the coloring word search puzzles book creation process, but we have made it 1-CLICK easy. Your solution pages will be created on the fly without you having to do a thing.

Show or hide page margins

The show/hide margin option allows you to see if you have got all your content within the margins to be able to upload to the KDP interface without problems.

1-CLICK puzzle regeneration

Not happy with the way your coloring word search puzzle looks? Click one button to regenerate a brand new puzzle layout using the same image and wordlist in seconds.

Show or hide solution

Switch this option on or off to see or get rid of the solutions on the page that you are working on. This is convenience personified.

Drag and drop text component

You have 100% control over your titles and descriptions. Not just titles and descriptions, you can add as many or as little text boxes as you need on your pages using the intuitive text component.

900+ font options

Yep! That’s right! You can choose from as many as 900+ high quality fonts for instructional content on the pages. You will never feel the need of another font when creating your puzzle books.

Download puzzles in multiple formats

You can download your coloring word search puzzles in three convenient formats: PNG, JPG and PDF. Pick and choose whether you want to download the entire books or individual puzzles.

Premium platform features

Enjoy a number of premium platform features that make working with the app an absolute pleasure. Copy/paste using Ctrl + c and Ctrl + v, easy shuffling of pages with intuitive up and down arrows, fit to page option, alignment option and so many more features that’ll make your life easy.

Clone page in 1-CLICK

Want to repeat the page design layout easily? That’s easy as a snap using the clone feature. Click on one button and clone any page of your choice.

Zoom in and out with ease

We all are comfortable with a certain zoom level on the screen while we work. That’s exactly why CWSPG empowers you to change the zoom level to what you are most comfortable with while working.

Premium customer support

We are paranoid about our customer support. We have got a responsive help desk and a community of publishers in a very active customers only facebook group to help you get unstuck. You will never be alone in your KDP journey.

Still here reading this?

Chances are you are impressed with all that you have seen here and see the immense value this app has to offer for your business.

Well, let me tell you you are not alone.

Many of our existing customers are stoked about the possibilities that this app brings to table.

You don’t have to take my word for it!

Here’s the REAL WORLD
value of this product…

TOTAL VALUE = $3,059+


CLICK the Buy Button Below!

Regular Price $197…You SAVE $100!

Is there a money back guarantee?

No! All sales are final and there will be no refund on the sales made. Please ensure you can and will use these templates and the software in your business before making the purchase.

If you are in doubt about this product being a good fit for your business please reach out to our support team. We will do our best to answer your question to the best of our abilities and help you make an informed decision.

Can't wait to have you onboard...

Niranjan Pradhan

KDP Publisher and Co-Creator

BP Mishra

KDP Publisher and Co-Creator

P:S Look, we have done everything in our capacity to ensure you succeed with this business model. You get to create high quality coloring word search puzzles for highly engaging puzzle and activity books in minutes with the software. It just doesn’t get any easier!

P:P:S We have spent thousands of dollars and a lot of our software development team’s time in researching, coding and reviewing Coloring Word Search Puzzles Generator on top of the money spent with our foundry partner on the exclusive font development…all because we want you to grow your business while having a stellar experience with this app.

P:P:P:S Remember we are here to hold your hand and take you through the process so you don’t get stuck. You are getting this for a small one time investment of $97.

Click the buy button below
to get CWSPG For $297
$197 $97 ONLY!

CLICK the Buy Button Below!

Regular Price $197…You SAVE $100!


Your burning questions answered…

No! All sales are final. So please make sure you can and will use the product in your business before you make the purchase.

Please reach out to our friendly support team with your questions and we will do our best to answer your questions. Please expect a turnaround time of 96 hours on weekdays to get back to you with an answer. Oftentimes we respond much faster but please allow us the time as mentioned above just in case the support team gets very busy! The support email address is [email protected]

There are three aspects to the support system we have in place. Account related questions like access, password reset and other such questions are answered via the email support desk. Questions related to the functioning of the apps, features etc are addressed in the customers only facebook group. The third aspect of the support system is the comprehensive training content we create around each of our products. The training is comprehensive enough to answer nearly all your questions. Between the email support desk, the training content and the customers only facebook group, you will get all the necessary support you need.

Yes, we provide step by step video training on how to use the various features included in Coloring Word Search Puzzles Generator.

Coloring Word Search Puzzles Generator is a cloud based application. Therefore the software works on your computer irrespective of whether you have a PC or a Mac.

Coloring Word Search Puzzles Generator is designed to work with a computer or laptop only. It may not work with an ipad or mobile devices. If you cannot use the app on a laptop or a desktop computer then please do not purchase it as you may not be able to use it properly to build your business.

The app is designed and tested to work with the Chrome browser which is one of the most widely used browsers. It’s free and the app works like a charm with the Chrome browser.

Sometimes some Chrome extensions conflict with the app’s functionality causing problems when using the app. In order to take full advantage of the app we strongly recommend you get rid of all the extensions.

In case you get stuck with the app and need help we have got you covered. We have got an extremely responsive support team waiting to help you out. On top of that we have solid communities built around our products where you will have other like minded business builders helping you out.

Yes you can, but the price may increase in the future! Now is the best time to get in at the current discounted price.

Yes! There are three upgrades.

You don’t have to buy any of the upgrades to make the front end application work. Think of the upgrades as additional features available for a fee if you want to pick them up to make your workflow more streamlined. If you wish you can pick and choose one or more of the upgrades to add to your purchase. They are not mandatory.

The only reason why we strongly recommend you take a look at the upgrades is because they are jam packed with a tremendous amount of value. And the launch price is the lowest it will ever get.

When you purchase the front end product, you will be taken through the funnel where you will first see the first upgrade and then you will see the second upgrade and so on. The prices of the upgrades are mentioned in the respective sales pages. Go through the features and benefits shown on the respective sales pages and if you see those adding value to your business, then check out the price and go ahead with the purchase.

Yes! At no point in time you will be forced to make a purchase. On each of the upgrade pages you will find buy buttons that you can use to purchase the upgrade offer if you like. Likewise you will see a “No Thanks” link in blue at the bottom of the page that you can click on to skip the upgrade and move forward in the funnel.

Because we think it is irrelevant and does not add value to our users’ experience! We do not want our customers to make a buying decision for the front end product based on the upgrade offer. We want YOU to make a buying decision of the front end based on the features of the front end product and their usefulness for your business. If you see you get enough value in exchange for your money then we would love to have you onboard. If you do not find the front end product offering value for the money then we would love to part ways and still be friends, no hard feelings!

You are probably right and as you can guess we are absolutely cool about it!

A “Download” happens when you click on any of the download buttons and that ends up downloading a single file or zipped file to your local computer. So if you create just one puzzle and download the page, that would count as 1 credit used. If you create a 10 page book containing multiple puzzles and download the entire book in one click then that would count as 1 download credit as well.

Yes! At the moment when you are reading this the product is available for a low one time fee. However we reserve the right to increase the price or change this into a monthly/annual subscription model without any prior notice.

With this purchase you get access to 100 downloads per month.

Yes! You can sell your puzzles and puzzle books on Amazon KDP, Etsy and through your own ecommerce websites and keep 100% of the profits. When you sell your books to the end user you sell them with personal use rights, so your customers can use the books for their personal use.

No! You can’t. This purchase allows you to create and use books where you sell those to the end user and thus make a profit from selling the books you create. You cannot sell the puzzles, puzzle books or any other derivative product that contains puzzles created with this app to a client who uses the content you sold for commercial use.

As mentioned earlier, we have designed this app to help you profit from the content you create, in ways that your license allows you to. However please note that there are certain things that are not allowed…

  • You cannot sell resell rights to the products you create
  • You cannot sell any images created using this software on Fiverr, Creative Fabrica, Design Cuts or other such stock sites
  • You cannot sell PLR rights to the products you create
  • You cannot create freebies using the app and distribute them
  • You cannot use the name of the creators of the application or the Coloring Word Search Puzzles Generator brand in any of the products you sell

CLICK the Buy Button Below!

Regular Price $197…You SAVE $100!

In no way is FaceBook™ affiliated with Once you leave Facebook or their partner networks you are no longer a part of their terms of service. Every effort has been made to accurately represent the product(s) sold through this website and their potential. The special discounted launch offer on this page will be fully supported in the future, and has our support guarantee for two years from purchase, after this special launch. Any claims made or examples given are believed to be accurate, however, should not be relied on in any way in making a decision whether or not to purchase. Any testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation as well as other factors not always known and sometimes beyond control. There is no guarantee you will duplicate the results stated here. You recognize any business endeavor has inherent risk for loss of capital. Basically, we can’t force you to take action, so therefore we cannot promise success.


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